Onion Zephyr Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-05-06 00:31:26 | Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Key images checker | Output keys checker | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 0 | Hard fork: v0 | Hash rate: 0 H/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000000000 | Median block size limit: 0.0 kB | Data from 54:139:00:31:26 [y:d:h:m:s] ago

Zephyr emission (fees) is 3781215.296 (2333.107) as of 244696 block

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 0.0 kB)

height age [d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
8537 330:05:24:49 0.18 a38871034587a4327f2702253f9c85d9a65603e664ddb8b827d680e4ebedc29e N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8536 330:05:25:41 0.18 f26993f9917c9d374f610ac42d7dff9cd40f00bdaee51912d2c4e9c85b2d54dc N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8535 330:05:26:27 0.18 54f776ee6f2db7046523046591fb3cca4d50028132961c01b82863b1b0a964d9 N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8534 330:05:26:45 0.18 19b3d7857580f172a4644f9fd784e827e070ce6395254ce295ee4da6a90183d9 N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8533 330:05:30:48 0.18 162480fe16a32ce5a64a2ea9a40f66ed12ec0da01bcd2002462b9daf18920f67 N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8532 330:05:35:11 0.18 c2c5ea2499e0d17908223e9fb8a36bddf072b7a3a8d6c8c0591b2e9dc9fd7142 N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8531 330:05:37:11 1.69 de1e724c9f294f8a6008566b8811f2bd43a4b537c87afd79be23caf8dc0146fa N/A 16.978 0/2 0.18
8531 330:05:37:11 1.69 1ff1881e47545e488017cbcdd456203b309881f7b5573a7c17104da7d2adf2d6 0877 ? 1/2 1.50
8530 330:05:42:34 0.18 c75f44106a1b167ac545ee9c82729c9b496071d76a8b04f6e95c2aab04c0a2fb N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8529 330:05:43:32 0.18 4d4a1786b4344a9ad43512b126d4eee9edcabf02057ff29bbb4f73bf7c34efab N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8528 330:05:43:37 0.18 7ff6347b171b18aea52e006d4697d6e3c2ff0d325c0308c70ce3c43b1d466842 N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
8527 330:05:43:47 0.18 6e920c0e728b6a37d09589fbddb1ea154981bcaa9d46f1cdc0b56dc1a887b712 N/A 16.977 0/2 0.18
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source code | explorer version (api): master-2023-11-07-feabc64 (1.1) | monero version: 1.0.4-release