Onion Zephyr Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-05-18 06:12:01 | Transaction pool | Transaction pusher | Key images checker | Output keys checker | Autorefresh is OFF

Network difficulty: 0 | Hard fork: v0 | Hash rate: 0 H/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000000000 | Median block size limit: 0.0 kB | Data from 54:151:06:12:01 [y:d:h:m:s] ago

Zephyr emission (fees) is 3876164.156 (2450.538) as of 253490 block

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 0.0 kB)

height age [d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
19883 326:17:12:26 0.19 805dc296bafb2071c025dde9c7c37f649442d24ada167db2e3ccf456044c6757 N/A 16.794 0/2 0.19
19882 326:17:13:05 0.19 962730d279073899dc5a98461a18a90861a323d050b3a58cfa5fb13a36b5ce44 N/A 16.794 0/2 0.19
19881 326:17:13:13 0.19 6caab88633fe717ff2c5ae7fc88cef10a8dba754909569e61369614ba3b2f420 N/A 16.794 0/2 0.19
19880 326:17:14:29 0.19 351edabcd5988f4531324f7d27d8a1998ae35a5f9c66c559056782ea80b7b5cc N/A 16.794 0/2 0.19
19879 326:17:20:01 15.84 881ae5d915512f658d8cb050f1ac2218027738939e071bf458e56f6df98ca548 N/A 16.803 0/2 0.19
19879 326:17:20:01 15.84 62fc876c305ed6dc75f94e3dc8f9b0b3635119a683cfc3aa784428922788b64f 1243 ? 2/2 2.17
19879 326:17:20:01 15.84 bb3842fd5608883f8e0f107402aa41af08fcfb03b073577903b77d7104bb69a5 3868 ? 2/11 3.40
19879 326:17:20:01 15.84 e795643b6ed5d064924eb1e8474b5d0c3d114b19ab5b615a285867b8d7f174b1 3867 ? 2/11 3.39
19878 326:17:20:08 0.19 0f9f9163e327787bd649176f4e96db3d9d892cb6e4f982fe7cfb7c6bbebb02f8 N/A 16.794 0/2 0.19
19877 326:17:20:33 0.19 37448743b08167a67fb981b53f4f536a666d8e287ced0e042ff47086e74aa065 N/A 16.794 0/2 0.19
19876 326:17:20:40 17.77 78bb6feb3d0d8322156264f7b02344f8fc906a2a765e4fbfb5775a67d29cd25a N/A 16.804 0/2 0.18
19876 326:17:20:40 17.77 d6a7bb5542fc19d4620cd9f4ab376d1fee5558ea9f8d9f743ae5864ccaae1443 8874 ? 22/2 15.43
19876 326:17:20:40 17.77 2cefe589b67441e0d05ae925ff52b3d17d57cabbaea63688e89d2bb0803cc091 1244 ? 2/2 2.17
19875 326:17:26:24 0.19 76402603e757b903374f05411a5b15151042eca6965ae865170c05348f0a0799 N/A 16.794 0/2 0.19
19874 326:17:26:33 0.18 b63422a0c7b2c542ad0592f51ef7b5f2baa83ea815490133cb65e8e23a728f02 N/A 16.794 0/2 0.18
19873 326:17:27:24 23.54 2091e6d35d1b73463162c6d196328a86a396fff136711a7e3e047bebbf6b9aed N/A 16.808 0/2 0.19
19873 326:17:27:24 23.54 a9478d07ceddd89bb1f23a9936bb2c93827a06a3c8e4e7b8ef5e0a214eb60df8 13464 ? 34/2 23.35
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source code | explorer version (api): master-2023-11-07-feabc64 (1.1) | monero version: 1.0.4-release